The Benefits of a Chimney Cap

A cap is synonymous with a cover. A gas cap on your car keeps the gas in and dirt and dust out of your gas tank. A cap on a water pipe keeps the water in while you repair it and a chimney cap covers and protects your chimney. It’s important to understand the structure...

Waterproof Your Masonry Chimney Now

Spring is the perfect time for a lot of things. It’s an ideal time to do some deep-down cleaning, for one thing. You’ve been stuck in the house all winter long. Finally opening the windows and letting the breeze in is the first sign that spring has arrived. Maybe you...

What is the Freeze Thaw Cycle?

Even though the air is starting to blow warmer and spring is just around the corner, a true Wisconsinite knows that there can still be some pretty cold days before spring is here for good. Did you know, though, that these on-again, off-again cold days can present a...