Has Your Chimney Been Professionally Waterproofed?

Every year, we see countless chimneys lose the battle to water – but it doesn’t have to be that way! Here at Chimney Concepts, we specialize in the waterproofing of masonry chimneys. We know what it takes to safeguard your system and keep water out, without impacting your chimney system’s functionality or appearance. Have you considered giving your chimney added protection against its #1 enemy?

Can I Waterproof My Chimney Myself?

When looking to waterproof a chimney, many homeowners head to their local hardware store, and reach for a sealant or a can of paint. Unfortunately, using these products can actually harm your chimney instead of helping it.

You see, because brick is porous, it naturally absorbs some moisture, be it from weather outside or from vapor produced during combustion. If a standard sealant or paint is applied to the chimney masonry’s surface, it can actually trap this moisture inside of the brick, leading to internal decay and deterioration. These products sit on the surface and essentially suffocate the brick, which is why we never recommend using them as a solution. Instead, call on Chimney Concepts – we’ve got it covered.

Custom stone chimney on side of house with emblem after waterproofing service

Our Top-Quality Products Are Made Specifically for Chimneys

Using only the highest-quality of products that are specifically designed to protect masonry chimneys against the negative effects of water, we are able to provide water protection without interfering with the masonry’s porous nature.

Instead of settling on the surface of the masonry, these products penetrate the surface. And since they are chemically designed to allow smaller molecules (like those in vapor) and not larger molecules (like those in rain water) to freely move in and out, they prevent moisture from being trapped inside the masonry without compromising water protection.

Schedule Your Waterproofing Appointment Today

Just seeing the words, “chimney leak” and “water damage” in the same sentence should be enough to make you cringe. Don’t wait until you notice chimney or fireplace water damage or experience a leak to equip your chimney with proper protection. Waterproofing your system now can greatly extend its service life and keep you from forking over big bucks for major repair as a result of water damage.

If you’re looking to make a wise investment and keep water out of your chimney and home, call Chimney Concepts at 262-377-5811 or book online with us today. We look forward to helping you protect your chimney system!


Damaged or missing flashing is often the culprit when it comes to chimney leaks. We can quickly troubleshoot the source of your leak problem, so give us a call.