We usually think of spring as the time to get things done, to clean out the accumulation of winter dust and get the house in good shape so that you can get out and enjoy the fun activities that you can only do in the summer. But now that summer days are shortening up and fall is rapidly approaching, it’s time to think about giving the house a good once over one more time to be ready for those days when you’re cooped up inside, watching the snowfall and the ground get covered in sparkling white. If you haven’t taken care of having your chimney and fireplace inspected and swept, now is the time to give Chimney Concepts a call and get an appointment set up, before the fall rush from all the procrastinators out there sets in!
Gas and Wood Fireplace Maintenance
As everyone who has a fireplace in their home knows, it’s important to have your chimney and fireplace inspected and maintained on an annual basis. This is based on the Chimney Safety Institute of America’s (CSIA) recommendation. There are a few reasons for this, and one of them is because of the possibility of needed repair work. Over the course of a year of fire burning, your fireplace takes a lot of abuse. Even just normal weathering can cause deterioration in the structure of the chimney system. Some repairs are obvious, such as crumbling mortar or water leaks on the interior of the house, but sometimes there are repairs that need to be taken care of that can’t be seen from the outside of the chimney or fireplace. For example, a chimney fire can take place without the knowledge of the homeowner, and that could cause cracks in the chimney lining which would allow smoke to be directed back into your home rather than outdoors. This can lead to a situation that could cause health issues for you and your family.
Another thing that an inspection will uncover is blockages and creosote buildup. Creosote is the by-product of smoke, caused when smoke condenses onto the interior of your chimney. It smells bad, but worse than that is that it is highly flammable, and even an eighth of an inch of buildup can cause a chimney fire. Other things can also cause blockages, such as dried birds’ nests and just dried twigs and leaves which may have blown into your chimney. Beyond being a fire hazard, this also means that your fireplace may not be working as efficiently. These are things our crew will be looking for and taking care of.
Now is the Time
Because of the importance of having this inspection completed, the best time to act is now. Cooler weather is approaching quickly, and you’ll want to use your fireplace to get the chill out of the air. Many people put this off until autumn weather arrives, and that means that our calendar will fill quickly with appointments, so in order to avoid that rush, give Chimney Concepts a call right away. We’ll get you on our calendar and you’ll not miss out on a day of autumn fire burning pleasure.