Even though many fireplace owners have heard of the importance of having their chimney and fireplace inspected and swept on an annual basis, they will still put off scheduling an inspection. It could be that they don’t understand what the process entails, which is completely understandable. We’ll help explain it all, so you’re not left in the dark about the process, because annual inspections are seriously important! Not having your chimney inspected annually can eventually cost you lots of money in repairs, but some of the repairs, if left unfixed, can actually cost you more than that. They can cost you your family’s health, or even possibly their lives. Sometimes all it takes is understanding the process to help you understand why you should never neglect this annual appointment.
Three Levels of Inspection
First, understand that it isn’t just chimney sweep companies that are pushing for an annual inspection. The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), the industry’s most highly-regarded certifier, also backs this idea, as well as the National Fire Protection Agency Standard 211. Any less often than this and you may end up with bigger problems at a much higher expense than an inspection and sweeping. That’s why it’s so important that you give Chimney Concepts a call soon and get us scheduled for that inspection and cleaning.
Now that we’ve established the importance of annual inspections, we recommend starting out with a Level One inspection. Chances are, that’s where it will end as well. We’ll look at all the easily accessible parts, make sure that your chimney cap and crown and flashing are in good condition, and take care of any creosote buildup we might find.
If, over the course of our inspection, it looks like there’s been some damage to your chimney, we’ll recommend doing a Level Two inspection. This damage may have been caused by an undetected chimney fire. Although we usually think of a chimney fire as being huge flames shooting out of the chimney, in most cases chimney fires are small and often go undetected by the homeowner. This is a problem because the fire may have caused some damage and that damage, if left unrepaired, could lead to bigger, more costly repairs in the future. This is where a Level Two inspection can be especially valuable, because we will use our special video equipment, designed to snake down into the inside of your chimney, to find any areas of damage that need immediate care.
Another reason for a Level Two inspection is because you’ve made changes to the heating system over the course of the year. This may be changing from wood burning to gas, having your chimney relined, or adding a new appliance. Also, if you are selling your home or buying new property, it is required that a Level Two inspection be conducted. This is a great rule because it is helping to ensure that your family is kept safe and sound from repairs that need to be taken care of before you move in.
A Level Three chimney inspection is the most drastic level. If we see that there are major repairs that need to be undertaken, or if there has been major damage to your chimney due to fire or maybe even an act of nature, like a tornado, we’ll have to go in and open up parts of your chimney to get to the damage and see how extensive it is. A Level Three inspection is really a combination of a Level One and a Level Two, with parts of the chimney exposed so we can get a closer look. If you’ve had your chimney inspected on an annual basis, chances are it will never get to this point.
Call Chimney Concepts
No matter what level of inspection you’re looking to have done, the best company to call in Ozaukee, Washington, Milwaukee, and Waukesha counties in Wisconsin is Chimney Concepts. We’ve been taking care of our customers in this region since 1997, and with over twenty years of working with chimneys under our belts, you can be sure we’ve seen and repaired just about any job that is connected with chimneys. We love Wisconsin and our customers, and that’s why our service will always be top-notch. Whether it’s inspection and cleaning or more extensive work, we can handle it. We’ve even received an Angie’s List Super Service Award, as well as an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. We want our friends and neighbors to enjoy safety and efficiency in their fire burning experiences, and when we come in to inspect and clean, we make sure your house looks just as good when we leave as when we come in. For the best in the business, give Chimney Concepts a call today!